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What size charge points do we need to have installed?

17th December 2021
We are often asked what size EV chargers do we install. The simple answer is that we recommend the charge points that will best serve the needs of the user at that time.

If you are looking for a charger for a residential installation then there is only one option available as all dedicated home charge points are 7.3Kw as they are limited by the available power. Visit our Residential page here.

If however, you need an installation at a commercial property, then the options increase significantly.

Commercial charge points start at 22Kw and increase to 40, 50 and 100Kw plus, depending on the power infrastructure available at the install location.

The biggest factor to consider is how long a vehicle needs to charge for. Different buildings and businesses have a range of functions and the clientele using them have varied requirements.

An office worker who typically parks their car all day only needs a low powered charge as they have 7 or 8 hours to charge their vehicle.

A gym user may well be in the car park for 2-3 hours at a time and so a faster charge time would be preferable.

A supermarket car park or service station will have drivers who are only there for 30 mins to an hour and so a fast charge time would be of greater benefit to them.

Considering what kind of building you have and what kind of usage it gets helps to determine the size of the chargers that will serve you and your customers best.

Contact us to talk through your requirements and be part of the future, today.

Adrian Cooper
Client Partnering
EVC Solutions Ltd

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